Discounted VPS: Build High Performance Elastic VPS From 5 Unlimited BW More - LayerOnline

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So there will be no surprise billing. Each of LayerOnline VPS comes with unlimited bandwidth. Bring in as much traffic you like during holiday shopping season and any high traffic events you host with LayerOnline.

Similar to LayerOnline SSD web hosting, our VPS are made for speed. You will feel the difference when you host your VPS with us. We use latest in technology plus advanced tuning by our in-house geeks. As some of our customer say, once you go LayerOnline, you can't go back.

0 Minimal (x86_64)
Debian 8. 0 (x86_64)
Debian 8. 0 Minimal (x86_64)
Fedora 19 (x86_64/x86)
Fedora 20 (x86_64/x86)
Fedora 21 (x86_64)
Fedora 23 (x86_64)
Scientific 6 (x86_64/x86)
SUSE 12. 3 (x86_64/x86)
SUSE 13. 1 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 10. 0 (x86_64/x86)
Debian 7. 04 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 14. 04 Minimal (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 15. 0 (x86_64/x86)
Debian 7. 04 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 14. 04 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 12. 04 (x86_64)
Ubuntu 15. CentOS 5 (x86_64/x86)
CentOS 6 (x86_64/x86)
CentOS 6 Minimal (x86_64/x86)
CentOS 7 (x86_64)
Debian 6.

Enjoy true freedom with LayerOnline's top KVM VPS hosting, not only you can customize your VPS the way you want at the beginning, you can also scale up and down all aspect of your VPS including CPU, memory and disk space anytime you want.

When people talks about VPS, they'd be extremely pleased. It is because VPS represents dedicated hosts. As you might know, faster VPS hosting means Virtual dedicated server. This is especially good people today who desire some dedicated servers without allow you to afford because actually. For Reseller hosting, it is actually having precisely working principle as hosting. This means that the physical servers would be divided into different partitions and these people be called the VPS. But for reseller hosting, customers could create multiple accounts of hosting service of hosting that is shared. This would enable customers to enjoy a server on his or her own once they purchase the VPS systems. The data of one business would not be mixed program the other business even though that aren't physical server is second-hand.

0 (x86_64/x86)
Debian 7. 0 Minimal (x86_64)
Debian 8. 0 (x86_64/x86)
Debian 7. CentOS 5 (x86_64/x86)
CentOS 6 (x86_64/x86)
CentOS 6 Minimal (x86_64/x86)
CentOS 7 (x86_64)
Debian 6. 0 (x86_64)
Debian 8. 04 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 14. 3 (x86_64/x86)
SUSE 13. 0 Minimal (x86_64)
Fedora 19 (x86_64/x86)
Fedora 20 (x86_64/x86)
Fedora 21 (x86_64)
Fedora 23 (x86_64)
Scientific 6 (x86_64/x86)
SUSE 12. 04 Minimal (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 15. 04 (x86_64)
Ubuntu 15. 04 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 12. 1 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 10. 04 (x86_64/x86)
Ubuntu 14.

Whenever you have a question or problem about your server, even at 3am in the morning, LayerOnline are just a click away, fixing your problem right on the spot. You may also reach us by Facebook, Skype, Email and ticketing system, LayerOnline friendly staff is ready to assist you 24/7/365. Not many VPS providers offer true 24/7/365 live chat support. LayerOnline average wait time is less than 30 seconds.

Our lives are becoming easier because belonging to the technology has actually today. We the Internet where we can find anything on it - may go shopping, chat with friends several places as well as can even do business via the internet. Somehow the comfort and the glamor Internet brings cost us our landscape. Websites are just not "green" and environment well-behaved. We should find manage this is to reduce the carbon engine performance. So web presents came track of a solution to lessen the impact their websites have towards the environment this kind of is through "Green Hosting". This energy is used to power computers on the user's end that host websites on a server with this increasing "always on". The world is heating so fast, and surely has to find a way to combat java prices. The World Wide Web greedily consumes tons of one's.

CPU: 1
Disk Space: 20GB
Bandwidth: Unlimited
IPv4: 1
IPv6: 1
One-Click Script Installer
50+ Linux OSes
DDOS Protection
cPanel Managed $20
$15 Special: $7. 5 with promo code 50OFF

Additionally, they offered unmetered bandwidth, characteristics free domain and cpanel, has 8-core Intel Xeon CPUs, along with 25% off on the best Payment Ticket. This provider offers unmanaged and managed VPS operations. All of these are only $19.

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They come in either a Windows VPS or VPS hosting promo a Linux Virtual dedicated server. A Windows VPS hosting promo is depending GUI without having text commands so one can work about it very very easily. VPS hosting has two choices called as Windows VPS and Linux VPS. Windows KVM VPS is definitely more called it is friendly.